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So far Leah Smith has created 128 blog entries.

New COVID-19 Education Initiative Launched for K-12 Student by Hosemann’s Office


Biloxi, Miss. (WLOX) - Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann’s office announced a new education initiative that teachers can choose to include in enrichment packets sent home to students. The initiative, “Healthy at Home: K-12 Students’ Perspective on COVID-19,” consists of assignments that challenge students to thing about how the COVID-19 crisis impacts their communities and share [...]

New COVID-19 Education Initiative Launched for K-12 Student by Hosemann’s Office2020-04-26T10:20:55-05:00

Ring the Bells to Honor Healthcare Workers, Lt. Gov. Hosemann Asks


Meridian, Miss. (WTOK) - Churches in Mississippi will soon be ringing bells across the state to let healthcare personnel know they are appreciated. In a positive effort to connect citizens, as we remain physically apart in combating the spread of COVID-19, Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann released a letter asking Mississippi churches to ring their church [...]

Ring the Bells to Honor Healthcare Workers, Lt. Gov. Hosemann Asks2020-04-26T10:15:38-05:00

Press Release: Lt. Gov. Provides Optional Pre-K-12 Assignments to Students, Teachers


Jackson, Miss. — Teachers can opt to include a new project in enrichment packets sent home with students: assignments challenging students to think about how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting their communities and share ideas about how lawmakers could address it. Dubbed “Healthy at Home: K-12 Students’ Perspective on COVID-19,” Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann and [...]

Press Release: Lt. Gov. Provides Optional Pre-K-12 Assignments to Students, Teachers2020-04-26T10:21:38-05:00

Mississippi Legislature Will Not Reconvene April 1


Jackson, Miss. (Y'all Politics) - The Mississippi Legislature will delay reconvening the 2020 Legislative Session beyond Wednesday, April 1, by agreement of Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann and Speaker of the House Philip Gunn. The Legislature adjourned its 125-day Session temporarily on Wednesday, March 18, pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution 65, which provided it would reconvene [...]

Mississippi Legislature Will Not Reconvene April 12020-04-26T10:23:41-05:00

Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Local Govt. Employees to Be Paid Before Recessing Due to COVID-19


Jackson, Miss. (Neshoba Democrat) - Businesses and employees out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic could be eligible for relief from the state and federal government after measures were to passed to offer emergency loans and waive certain unemployment requirements. The U.S. Small Business Administration announced last week it was relaxing the criteria for [...]

Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Local Govt. Employees to Be Paid Before Recessing Due to COVID-192020-04-26T10:27:22-05:00

Analysis: Mississippi Wise to Close Capitol Amid COVID-19


Jackson, Miss. (AP) - The Mississippi Capitol is a germ and virus factory during any normal legislative session because of all the glad-handing, back-slapping and random hugging. It was clearly in line to become more perilous than usual during the coronavirus pandemic. Legislators voted last week to suspend their session until at least April 1, [...]

Analysis: Mississippi Wise to Close Capitol Amid COVID-192020-04-26T10:30:12-05:00

Mississippi Legislature Set to Temporarily Recess Due to COVID-19


Tupelo, Miss. (Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal) - As the novel coronavirus continues to spread throughout the state, lawmakers will temporarily suspend the 2020 session of the Mississippi Legislature and will likely allow school districts and local governing authorities to give their employees paid leave during the virus outbreak. “We are asking you to just put [...]

Mississippi Legislature Set to Temporarily Recess Due to COVID-192020-04-26T10:32:54-05:00

Mississippi Senate Approves Legislation Shoring Up Quality of Pre-K Early Learning Collaboratives


Jackson, Miss. (Y'all Politics) - A bill revising curriculum and funding requirements for the State’s nationally-recognized pre-K program passed the Mississippi Senate yesterday with overwhelming bipartisan support. First established in 2013, Early Learning Collaboratives (ELCs) provide grants to communities to set up, expand, support, and facilitate early childhood education programs for 4-year-olds. For the 2019-2020 [...]

Mississippi Senate Approves Legislation Shoring Up Quality of Pre-K Early Learning Collaboratives2020-04-26T10:37:25-05:00

Entities Receiving Millions in State Tax Incentives Required to Report Job Numbers, Wages Under Senate Bill


Jackson, Miss. (Y'all Politics) - Entities receiving more than $5 million in state economic development tax incentives would be required to report job creation numbers, average wages, and other information to the public under a bill passed with the unanimous support of the Mississippi Senate yesterday. “As conservatives, we must account for every dollar taxpayers [...]

Entities Receiving Millions in State Tax Incentives Required to Report Job Numbers, Wages Under Senate Bill2020-04-26T10:35:16-05:00

Hosemann to Participate in Miss. College Autism Conference


Louisville, Miss. (Winston County Journal) - Autism impacts more than two million Americans. Each day, they face this developmental disability posing major social, communicative and behavioral challenges. National experts are addressing a March 27 conference at Mississippi College to explore autism issues. The program’s theme is “Growing and Thriving on the Spectrum.” The keynote speaker [...]

Hosemann to Participate in Miss. College Autism Conference2020-04-26T10:42:12-05:00